Monthly Workshop : Balance and stability

Saturday April 27, 2024 – from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Centre Joyah or Parc La Grange (weather permitting), as well as online on zoom.

What if our physical balance had a real influence on our mental balance?

Being stable in a balanced posture requires great concentration.

A fixed gaze, controlled breathing and correct placement, being centered are all factors that will allow us to control our body in space and invite us to be fully in the present moment.

This workshop will give you simple and effective ways to play with your balance.

Center Joyah – chemin de la Caroline 26, 1213 Petit-Lancy

Price: 60.- for 1 participant, 100.- for 2

Information and registration:

Laurent: 079 922 24 94

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